Monday, March 14, 2011

Who is he ?

He is an 8 year old little boy with a smile and a giggle that will brighten a room. He is an 8 year old boy with the strength of a tornado when upset. He is skinny…very skinny, small in stature. He wears glasses… when they’re not broken. He has beautifully long eyelashes that we as girls wish we had.  He has pasty skin with bluish tint under his eyes.  Most kids his “type” have BIG heads. Nope, not him, his is thin and narrow.  His brown hair is disheveled most of the time. The bangs cut short make his forehead look even taller. He walks on his toes. He loves to jump. You may get a glimpse of his beautiful eyes, but not often. You may think you heard a word, but probably not. He does not carry on a conversation. His “signs” are few and far between. He points. He lets out a shriek every once in a while.  He perseverates. He likes to count. He loves his ABC’s and he’s addicted to
Sesame Street
. He loves to be tickled. He loves to play in water. He takes drinks from the faucet or out of the milk jug. He struggles to write his name. He lacks safety awareness. He still needs to be helped to brush his teeth and to get dressed. He is frustrated and misunderstood. He is gawked upon out in public. Who is he?

He is my son.


  1. I love your blogs!! So heart warming and honest. Keep it up.

  2. that mark schultz song gets me everytime.
    praying for you and your boy tonight.
