Saturday, July 21, 2012

This Is For You, girl

There is a girl...
A girl I never met...

A beautiful girl...
A beautiful girl whose face I've never seen....

A girl who's heart is that of gold...
Courageous, sincere and caring beyond words.

A girl who has made an impact...
an impact on a mother...
a child...
a community...
A girl who gets it!

A girl who will grow up to be a wonderful woman and reach not just a mother...
or a child...
or a community, but

A girl who will change the world.

You see, Friday night, I was riding in the car with my husband. I was making small talk, trying to curtail the anxiety that was coming along with going to his 25th class reunion. We caught up on the busy week that was behind us, and we lamented over the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. I pulled out my phone, caught up on my emails and then proceeded over to Facebook to read a new private message from one of my "friends".

I was speechless. The tears were welling up. My husband was perplexed, and he pleaded, "Stop, your make-up will run!"

Trying to get the words out, I read him the following...
and he cried, too.

"Hello Mrs. R!

This is B. My mother was sharing with me that she has two Facebook friends with children who are autistic, and I just want to say I think you are fantastic. I have so much respect and appreciation for you and all you do. I can see that you love your boys very much, and you must be such a special person. It is people like you who really make others stop and wonder. With people in the world like you who have so much love to go around, how can there be so much terror and hatred? I will be thinking about you and praying for you. Your boys are so lucky!"

The courage she had to reach out to one of her mother's friends,whom she has never met, and write these words is an AMAZING quality.

Earlier this week, this girls mother posted that her daughter requested "in lieu of birthday presents, she would like people to donate to the charity of choice. This years pick is Autism Speaks, because everyone deserves a voice."
...WHAT teenage kid does that????

I'll tell you what kind...
A child of God!

This is for you dear, B!

I praise you!
I praise you for noticing.
The autism community praises you!
It is people like you that will help raise awareness about autism. I don't know if you know who Dr. Temple Grandin is, but she has been quoted to say "different...not less". That is true with all individuals, autistic or not.

The world needs people like you,B, to show love for humanity. I respect you so much for your maturity. You exude love in your words and in your actions. You are selfless,and your charitable heart will certainly be rewarded.

I am going to leave you with the words that YOU wrote, because I couln't say it any better!

"It is people like YOU who really make others stop and wonder. With people in the world like YOU who have so much love to go around, how can there be so much terror and hatred? I will be thinking about YOU and praying for YOU. Your MOM is so lucky!"

Mrs. R