Friday, March 25, 2011

Momma Got Her Mouth Washed Out With Soap !

The other day, in the rush of our morning routine, I said to my 4 year old,” Come here so I can help you blow your nose.” As I held the Kleenex up to his nose, he was saying something and I thought I heard the word “da##it “. Because the tissue muffled his words, I asked him to repeat what he said. He looked up at me with a hesitant expression. I reassured him that he could repeat what he said and, out it came…” I said, did I just hear you say da##it?” I was taken back. Quickly I replied, “Honey, Mommy doesn’t say words like that.” He responded,” Yes you do.” Scene after scene was going through my head. For the life of me, I could not think of a time when that word would come out of my mouth.  I had to get to the bottom of this. So, I pleaded,” When have you ever heard mommy say that?”  He replied, “You say it when something breaks.” 

YIKES.  I have always restrained myself from using any profanity (so I thought)…but I could not deny that he heard that word come out of my mouth. I reassured him that “da##it” is a bad word, and no one should say that word, not even mommy. I told him that mommy would never use bad words again.  Oh boy, was I BUSTED!

Evening time came, and the boys were already in bed. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. YUCK! Something wasn’t right. I grabbed the tube of toothpaste to confirm first that it WAS toothpaste. Then, I examined the toothbrush a little closer holding it up to my nose. Hmm, that smell is familiar, but why are there bubbles on my toothbrush?  

Then it dawned on me. A few hours earlier, I caught my 8 year old son in the bathroom playing with the hand soap. I thought he just had it on his hands and in his hair, but, to my surprise, my toothbrush was involved!

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