Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Simple Sameness = Comfort and Joy

If you've heard me say it once, you've heard me say it a million times...He LOVES Sesame Street. So, when gift giving time comes, it is very easy to buy for him.
It is simple..
                Sesame Street ANYTHING.

Friends and family struggle with buying Sesame Street items for a 9 year old boy. They don't think it is "age appropriate". IF they can get past that nuance, then they fret they may get him something he already has.

The probability of that is, um, yeah,  99% .

We have just about every Sesame Street DVD

which has replaced every Sesame Street VHS tape

He has the stuffed animals and the Sesame Street paraphernalia...

Trust me when I say, "It is Okay"

because this is HIS Comfort and Joy

Nothing else matters..

Good tidings to you and yours!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!! Yes his comfort and joy!!! Thank you for reminding us(me) that age appropriate....well it just doesn't matter. Thank you!
