You see, on the evenings of April 1 and 2, 2011, prominent buildings across
Over the past few weeks, there has been a plea from the autism community to get the White House to take part in this plight. I have been struggling about getting on this bandwagon. My first thoughts were that we, as an autism community, should not be selfish. What makes autism awareness any more important than another cause? There are thousands of causes out there that are just as worthy. Soon, the White House would be inundated with requests from all types of special interest groups to get their cause recognized, too. If they started with one cause, how could they ever draw the line? When would enough be enough?
As I was going about our evening routine, I heard a song in the background coming from a
Who will be your gas attendant? Who will be cooking your food at McDonalds or serving you coffee at the local coffee shop? Who will be stocking your shelves at the local store or bagging your groceries? Who will be delivering your mail or your newspaper? Who will be re-shelving books at the library? It is my prayer that children with autism will be able to get the support they need to become productive members of society.
So, Mr. President, our budget may never be balanced, our health care may still be in crisis, and we still may be at war, but…there will STILL be autism. It would be a disservice to every citizen of this country if we did not make them aware of autism. If people do not become aware of this now, how will they ever be able to understand it and accept it in the future when they will be surrounded by it?
Mr. Obama, won’t you Light It Up Blue, too?